1.used for saying what usually happens
1.As a rule, you search on what you see, not what you think Access stores in the table.
2.Theory as a rule, the rule of law and the rule of man to explore the long-term stability of a country, the prosperity of the key issues.
3.As a rule, the conversation distance between two people is at least two or three feet.
4.And as a rule the tail tends to move more than the front so stay away from the rear if motion is a problem for you.
5.Injection density is often used as a rule of thumb to estimate the difficulty of curing resonant combustion.
6.As a rule of thumb, a country needs enough foreign exchange to cover three months' imports or to settle its short-term foreign debt.
7.Chuck Mulloy, an Intel spokesman, said the company as a rule does not comment on internal employee communications.
8.As a rule, you should fill out a signature card and pay some fee. Then you will get a key to your box, and the bank will keep another key.
9.Despite Andrew Jackson's inclination to be a strong President, Democrats as a rule believed in limited government.
10.The career of the humanist was, as a rule, of such a kind that only the strongest characters could pass through it unscathed.